
Hrvatska / 2023 / 15'

This hybrid documentary takes us on a journey into a world without men. The island tradition is, that the women choose the image that will represent them on their grave after they’re gone. Reality and subconscious mix, as the author questions: “How does it feel to have a family tree consisting only of women? What do our ancestress’ whisper from their silent portraits?” We’re following two women, traveling from the mainland to the island graveyard, to visit their Valerija.  On the journey, the author is questioning the archetype of an island woman and her own female heritage through a participatory process.


Written and directed by: Sara Jurinčić
Editing: Tomislav Stojanović
Sound: Jens Christian Bo Johansen
Producers: Vanja Jambrović, Sara Jurinčić
Production: NOMAD STUDIO + Restart
Festivals and awards: Sheffield DocFest, Sarajevo film festival – “Srce Sarajeva” za najbolji kratkometražni dokumentarni film, Međunarodni festival dokumentarnog i animiranog filma DOK Leipzig 2023. – Panorama, 24. MEDITERAN FILM FESTIVAL – posebno priznanje u kategoriji “Best Camera” Međunarodni festival dokumenatarnog filma Sheffield Doc/Fest 2023.  – natjecanje kratkometražnog filma, Festival kratkometražnog filma FeKK 2023, Liburnia Film Festival 2023, 25 FPS 2023. – Grand Prix, Međunarodni festival dokumentarnog i kratkometražnog filma Zinebi 2023. – kandidatura za Evropsku filmsku nagradu.

About the author:

Sara Jurincic, architect and filmmaker (1989. Zadar, Croatia). Graduated at AF Zagreb 2015. Worked and exhibited with: W.O.R.M. Rotterdam, Klubvizija lab, CAFxCPH, Restart, KONTEJNER. In 2018. she established NOMAD STUDIO – art and spatial-experiment lab, involved in projects, exhibitions and workshops around Europe. In 2019. and 2020. she is part of Sarajevo Talents, EW Talent lab (Wiesbaden), Dok Leipzig Short n’ Sweet pitch (with the project “VALERIJA”). She won multiple awards for her debut film that has been shown on more that 30 international festivals, including Oberhausen film festival (international competition).