Kanada, Francuska, Ukrajina / 2024 / 95'

The destruction caused by the war against Ukraine is shown in lengthy tableaux. Intercepted phone conversations between Russian soldiers and their families set up a shocking parallel world. Sound and image stare each other in the face, stunned.

Written and directed by: Oksana Karpovych
Cinematography: Christopher Nunn
Editing: Charlotte Tourres
Sound: Artem Kosynskyi, Alex Lane
Music: NFNR
Producers: Giacomo Nudi, Rocío B. Fuentes
Production: Les Films Cosmos
Ko-producers: Pauline Tran Van Lieu, Lucie Rego, Darya Bassel, Olha Beskhmelnytsina
Ko-production: Hutong Productions Sainte, Moon Man


About the author:


Oksana Karpovych is a Ukrainian-Canadian filmmaker, writer and photographer born in Kyiv. She lives and works between Kyiv and Montreal. Her first feature documentary “Don’t Worry, the Doors Will Open” won the New Visions Award at RIDM in 2019 and received special mention at HotDocs 2020. In her personal projects, Karpovych explores the everyday life and oral histories of ordinary people and how state politics intrude into  the private sphere, influencing the communities she intimately documents. Karpovych is a Cultural Studies graduate of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Ukraine and a Film Production graduate of Concordia University in Montreal. She worked as a local producer with international reporters covering Russia’s invasion in Ukraine in the spring of 2022.