Mađarska, Rumunija, Hrvatska / 2023 / 83'


On the outskirts of Budapest, in the heart of the woods, hides a ramshackle little hut. Inside, two social outcasts have formed the unlikeliest of bonds. Fanni, a19 year-old transgender teenager, and Laci, a 60 year-old homeless man support each other in a makeshift family as father and daughter through hardship and change. Set on the margins of Hungarian society life is tough, but it is theirs. Let your conventions be challenged in this coming-of-age documentary about home, family and acceptance.

Directed by: Gergő Somogyvári
Written by: Gergő Somogyvári, Zsolt Pocsai
Cinematography: Gergő Somogyvári
Editing: Judit Feszt
Music: Viktor Bátki
Sound: Florin Tabacaru, Marius Leftarache
Producers: Nóra Somogyvári, Gergő Somogyvári
Production: New Retina Productions
Co-producers: Sára László, Oliver Sertić
Co-production: Campfilm, Restart
Festivals and Awards:  SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL – posebno priznanje žirija, VERZIO FILM FESTIVAL – najbolji film (’Hungarian competition’), nagrada publike, TRIESTE FILM FESTIVAL, CROSSING EUROPE 2024 – najbolji dokumentarni film (Social Awareness Award), BELDOCS


About the author:

Gergő Somogyvári is a Budapest-based cinematographer and documentary director. After studying photography and journalism, he graduated from the University of Film and Drama (SZFE) as a cinematographer in 2008. For 14 years he has worked both in fiction and non-fiction projects as DOP and directed 5 short and mid-length documentaries screened internationally on TV and festivals. In 2008, his experimental doc Carta Azulejo / Tile Mail received the most prestigious national award, the Main Prize of the Hungarian Film Week. Fairy Garden is his first feature-length documentary.